About the Adjoint School
Throughout the course of the school, each participant will
- learn to read, write, and present in the language of prominent research directions in applied category theory,
- work intensively on one of these research directions, mentored by an expert in the field, and
- develop relationships with other early-career applied category theorists
November 1, 2024 | Applications Open |
December 1, 2024 | Applications Due |
Early January, 2025 | Participants Announced |
January - May, 2025 | Online Learning Seminar |
May 26-30, 2025 | In-Person Research Week |
June 2-6, 2025 | Applied Category Theory Conference |
School Overview
Participants are divided into four-person project teams. Each project is guided by a mentor and a TA. The Adjoint School has two main components: an online learning seminar that meets regularly between February and June, and an in-person research week held in the summer adjacent to the Applied Category Theory Conference.
During the learning seminar, we will read, discuss, and respond to papers chosen by the project mentors. Every other week, a pair of participants will present a paper which will be followed by a group discussion. Leading up to this presentation, each student will write a reading responses. After the learning seminar and before the in-person research week, each pair of participants will write a blog post for The n-Category Cafe based on the paper that they presented on.
The in-person research week will be held the week prior to the International Conference on Applied Category Theory and in the same location. During the week, participants work intensively with their research group under the guidance of their mentor. Projects from the Adjoint School will be presented during this conference. Both components of the school aim to develop a sense of belonging and camaraderie in students so that they can fully participate in the conference, for example by attending talks and chatting with other conference goers.
This example Adjoint School syllabus may help you understand the structure of the school.

Role Descriptions
For Mentors
The mentor leads a group of four students to study and research an open problem in applied category theory.
Expectations for Mentors:
- Choose a research project topic
- Select 2 relevant readings with consideration for the academic diversity of the students
- Attend the research week in-person (COVID dependent)
- Be fully present and active during the research week
Mentors may optionally:
- Select a TA
- Meet with their group’s students during the learning seminar
- Attend student presentations during the learning seminar
- Lead the group to continue research or publish a paper following the research week
For TAs
The TA for each group guides the groups' students during the learning seminar and assists the mentor during the research week.
Expectations for TAs:
- During the learning seminar:
- Support the two pairs of students in developing their presentation and blog post by checking-in frequently, answering technical questions, and providing feedback
- Attend the presentations given by your students
- During the research week:
- Support the group during the working sessions, under the guidance of the mentor
For Participants
The participants develop the skills of research during the learning seminar by reading, presenting, and writing supported by frequent discussions and reflections. During the research week they work intensively on a research project under the guidance of their project’s mentor.
Expectations for Participants:
- During the learning seminar (~16 weeks):
- Read 1 assigned paper every two weeks
- Write a short reading response to each paper prior to its presentation
- Meet with the whole school bi-weekly to attend student presentations and discuss the assigned paper
- For the paper you are responsible for presenting (1 time during the learning seminar), collaborate with your subgroup to
- Give a presentation on the assigned reading
- Write a blog post to be posted on the The n-Category Cafe
- (optionally) Participate in group meetings throughout the learning seminar.
- During the research week:
- Be present and engaged in research with your group whether hybrid or in-person
Contact Us
Contact the organizers of the Adjoint School by emailing actadjointschool@gmail.com.