The Adjoint School 2018

The 2018 Adjoint School featured projects mentored by John Baez, Aleks Kissinger, Martha Lewis, and Pawel Sobocinski. It was organised by Brendan Fong and Nina Otter. The research week was held at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, in May 2018.

Research Projects

Semantics for open Petri nets and reaction networks

Mentor: John Baez
Students: Fabrizio Genovese, Jonathan Lorand, Maru Sarazola

Petri nets and reaction networks are widely used to describe systems of interacting entities in computer science, chemistry and other fields, but the study of open Petri nets and reaction networks is new, and raise many new questions connected to Lawvere’s “functorial semantics”.


Unification of the logic of causality

Mentor: Aleks Kissinger
Students: Pablo Andres-Martinez, Joseph Moelle, Sophie Raynor, Dmitry Vagner

We will employ the framework of (pre-)causal categories to unite notions of causality and techniques for causal reasoning which occur in classical statistics, quantum foundations, and beyond.


Compositional approaches to linguistics and cognition

Mentor: Martha Lewis
Students: Tai-Danae Bradley, Sarah Griffith, Jade Master, Brad Theilman

We will use compact closed categories to integrate compositional models of meaning with distributed, geometric, and other meaning representations in linguistics and cognitive science.


Modelling of open and interconnected systems

Mentor: Pawel Sobocinski
Students: Daniel Cicala, Jules Hedges, Eliana Lorch, Joshua Tan

We will use Carboni and Walters’ bicategories of relations as a multidisciplinary algebra of open and interconnected systems.
